Tour of CAAT Animal Health Care Clinic Part Two – Fort St. James 2015
We left off the clinic tour in the exam and waiting area, which seemed appropriate… The next step for the patients is the pre-surgery prep area.
Prep Area
Pre-op, techs shave and scrub the pet’s surgery site, insert a catheter to be used to deliver further sedation and fluids as needed and finally intubate them for safer breathing during surgery.

The Pharmacy
Tucked away behind the prep area, Nicole oversees the drugs for all the patients and with the help of team members, draws the syringes for pre-op and surgery meds and vaccines. The team also prepares meds with instructions to go home with pets for after care as necessary.


Massage Room
Unfortunately, I’ve learned that the massage room is not a regular feature of our clinics. It just happens to be one of the many ways that the Fort St. James community spoils our team.

They also shower us with an enormous amount of food. A team favorite is bannock – a fried bread that tastes a bit like the love child of a funnel cake and a biscuit. Heaven. Sorry – no photos because they never lasted long enough.

Immediately after surgery, the patients go to the recovery area. Amy supervises a full service recovery – not only does the team monitor vitals, give vaccinations and remove breathing tubes and catheters, but the CAAT Recovery Spa also offers pedicures, ear cleanings, brushing and lots and lots of love.
The cats and dogs can be cold and/or stressed after surgery so as soon as their tubes are removed and they are checked out, they are available for cuddles to warm them up and reassure them. Cuddle duty is a much coveted position, and we share that joy with local volunteers and owners. Equally fun is giving pedicures to sedated animals – so much less drama than I am used to at home when the nail clippers come out.

I could go on all day with photos of adorable, drowsy dogs and cats but will wrap it up with one of my favorites. We don’t permit the dogs and cats to go home until they can stand and walk. Chance soaked up the recovery attention and just didn’t want to move. We let him get away with it for a while but he was one of the last animals of the day so we finally coaxed him up. He started at the very back of the recovery area and powered through about three quarters of the way before he melted onto the floor. He suckered us into a lot more cuddle time because it is impossible to refuse this face: