Tour of CAAT Animal Health Care Clinic – Fort St. James 2015
Tour the Fort St. James Clinic – Part One

The Fort St. James arena is currently shut down for hockey and open to furry patients.
First stop for our patients is the admissions table. The admissions team completes paperwork– pink for the females and blue for the males – for each little furry one we will see, answers owners’ questions and sends the patients either to the waiting/exam area or to vaccinations.

Some of the dogs and cats don’t stay for surgery, but instead just come in for a check-up and vaccinations.

Waiting and Exam
Although I haven’t been able to get any patients to go on record, I think it is fair to say that the waiting area is their least favorite spot in the clinic. I’ve learned to tune it out (or lost some of my hearing over the last two days) but the level of the deafening roar of howls, barks and yips definitely shocked me on the first morning.

The vets and techs exam and weigh each pet while it waits its turn for surgery. The pets then hang out in their crates, or holding cells as I’m sure they view them, until just before surgery time when they will get a light sedative before being prepped for surgery.

Join us for Part Two of the clinic tour tomorrow!