Teacher’s Corner

– by LeRae Haynes
Every once in a while an experience comes along that changes everything for you. It either enforces and expands what you believe anyway, or is an explosive rearrangement. Either way, it’s life changing.
The recent weekend with CAAT in Ahousaht, on the remote west coast of Vancouver Island, was that for me.
I was invited along as a “teacher,” helping with humane education for children in the community.
The CARE/CAAT partnership was incredible: the work in the community ahead of time, the planning and organization of the clinic and the follow up. We were 17 women – a range of abilities, interests, skills, backgrounds and ages. That range aside, there was a shared passion for the care and protection of animals, as well as a focus on community relationships that, in my opinion, can make change possible and sustainable.
I went along armed with my ukulele, two puppets, too few clothes and a complete passion for working in humane education with kids. I was completely honoured and delighted to be invited to go along! The team was incredible: welcoming and informative and astoundingly flexible. Nothing daunted them! Relentlessly positive, inventive and adaptable, they welcomed people, hugged and kissed the pets, registered them for procedures and kept everything flowing smoothly.
What joy to work with them! And I mean “with.” I had a “teacher’s corner,” but was by no means relegated to one area. I brought children down to meet the team and have tours; I got to bring kids down – one tyke at a time or whole groups – to sing gently to the animals in recovery or the nervous ones awaiting sedation. Or just to entertain the whole team and the pet owners! We sang “Soft Kitty Warm Kitty” and a version for puppies we made up, “the ABC song” just because we all liked it and the animals seemed partial to it, too. We sang my original song that I wrote for humane education called “I’m Your Pet and You’re My Person” with all the things we want to teach kids. We sang it to the animals (or the vets – they all seemed appreciative).

The kids and I coloured, sang, watched a “how not to get bit by a dog” video six dozen times in two days. We played games that included helping a big plastic dog overcome constipation and a doggy-based monopoly board game. We had snacks and sang some more. The nine-hour days were satisfying and rewarding because the humane education wasn’t just me in a room with kids – it was a true team effort that was effective, fun, hilarious and delightful!
The children got to see a whole team of people dedicated to their dogs, their cats, and to their community. We sang and talked about the importance of spaying and neutering, and they got to see vet techs tenderly cradling the animals in their arms prepping them for surgery. We sang and talked about the importance of fresh food and water, and they got to see team members handing out free food and water dishes. We sang and talked about the importance of a life-long commitment to a pet, and they got to see the vets and techs explaining to pet owners how to look after the animals, not just after their surgeries, but for the rest of their lives.
We sang and talked about speaking for animals and they got to see that in action a hundred times.
Absolutely life-changing. For the animals, for the kids, for the community. And for me. I got to see what I believe put into practice: not where it’s elegant, easy or simple, but where it’s gritty and challenging and brutally honest.
Thank you, CAAT, for this amazing opportunity. You are ever dear to my heart now and have made an indelible and incredible difference in my life. And hopefully to every child I meet in my future humane education interactions with kids!
“Cause I’m your pet and you’re my person;
Thank you for taking me home;
When you’re sad I’ll be the one;
Making sure you’re not alone;
For all my life I’ll be your friend;
Loyal watchful and true;
When someone needs to speak for me;
That someone will be you!”