Success in Fort St. James

During the three day clinic in Fort St. James, the CAAT team spayed/neutered 116 dogs and cats from the area. Yes, that’s right – ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN! In addition to vaccinating each surgery patient, the team vaccinated approximately 60 other pets as well.
The 2015 clinic was another fantastic step forward in population control in the Fort St. James area generally, and especially for one village north of Fort St. James. The village only had three remaining unaltered female dogs, but they were prolific contributors to the village’s dog population control problem. Local volunteers and residents from the village worked together to arrange transportation and make sure that those three dogs could come to the clinic for spaying. Such a win for the village!
With a happy glow from the Fort St. James successes, we packed up our gear and hit the road to relocate to Hazelton, BC for the second clinic of the NWBC CAAT Project 2015.