Shelter for Outdoor Dogs

Winter is on its way. Do you have a dog that lives outside all year? or does your dog live outside most of the day? As mentioned in the last blog post, only heavy coated dogs can potentially survive through a harsh winter outside, short or less heavily coated dogs often will not make it. Even heavy coated dogs need shelter from the cold, wind, and wet weather. An insulated dog house can make the difference between life and death. The dog house needs to be big enough for them to turn around inside but small enough to allow them to be warmed with their own body heat. Raising the dog house off the ground also helps provide insulation from the frozen ground. Whatever you choose to use for insulation, check it regularly because wet insulation loses its ability to insulate. We’d like to share a terrific dog house plan gracefully shared with us by the Lakes Animal Friendship Society. Plan ahead and build your dog’s house before the cold weather arrives. For the Dog House Plan Kit and the list of Dog House Materials needed, click the link below…

Thank you to LAFS for the material and pictures of these great dog houses!