We finished up in Burns Lake and moved on to Fort Saint James. In the first two days here we’ve operated on 72 cats and dogs and provided wellness checks/vaccinations to an additional 56, and we still have one more day to go! That has been a lot of work crammed into two days, but also a lot of fun:
The local high school welcomed us to join them for breakfast, and has provided some fantastic student volunteers to help us at the clinic.
Lily is a 15-year-old kitty with a very patient disposition. She remained calm while we shaved her to remove irreparable mats, and she was rewarded with a fabulous new lion cut. So stylish.
Julie, Captain Recovery, in charge of the Recovery area on Day 2 in Fort Saint James.
Mookie the “pitoodle” (pitbull poodle cross).
How did it get so big, unless it is cat crossed with cougar??
Askim is a dedicated incision licker. We didn’t have a large cone of shame for him so we had to make do with supplies on hand. It’s not clear that he appreciated our ingenuity.
Although CAAT’s mission is to spay and neuter to reduce pet over population, it does not mean that we are immune to the cuddle power of puppies…