Joker is a Great Pyrenees-Great Dane-Mastiff cross. This sweet pup, who already weighs over 60 pounds at only 5 months old, paid us a visit at the clinic in Burns Lake to be neutered and vaccinated. Here’s how his day went:
Checking in at Registration.
Not too sure about the waiting room crate.
Joker settled right in though. Look at the size of those paws!
Such a good boy for his pre-surgery exam.
Joker’s paperwork and injections are prepared and holding his place in line.
Jackie and Michelle give Joker his “pre-med” injection with a sedative and painkiller. Once this takes effect, they can prepare him for surgery.
The exact moment that the sedative took effect and Joker slid to the floor.
Joker doesn’t even notice that Jackie is inserting a catheter in his leg. The vet techs will administer IV anesthesia through the catheter, and it provides access in the event that an emergency requires IV drugs.
This big boy still has puppy teeth!
With the help of the light, Jackie is able to insert an e-tube in Joker’s throat to guarantee an open airway while he is under anesthesia.
Thank goodness for the pre-med! Joker receives a line block injection into his testicles. Use of this local anesthetic is an extra pain reliever and it also permits us to minimize the level of general anesthetic during his neuter operation, which is always safer.
In surgery.
Joan operates on Joker while Julie monitors his anesthesia and vitals.
On his way to sleep it off in Recovery.
Nicole gives Joker full service in Recovery: vaccinations, monitoring and even a pedicure.
He’s awake! If a little dopey.
There is no dignity for Joker on neuter day. Most of our patients at the CAAT clinics are pretty good about not licking the incision sites. Not Joker. He was VERY determined so we sprayed him with a bitter tasting solution to deter the licking and avoid irritating the incision.
Joker proved immune to bitter spray and therefore graduated to the Cone of Shame.
Poor, sad, little boo is really not a fan of the cone.
Joker was done with us and couldn’t get out the door fast enough.