Northwest BC Project 2015 Day 1
DAY 1 – Prep Day
Our travel and prep day yesterday went something like this:
- Meet a lot of team members at Vancouver airport and desperately try to commit names to memory.
- Fly to Prince George. More introductions, more names.
- Drive to Fort St. James. Tim Hortons stop en route. Yay donuts! Yay coffee!
- Stop at hotel long enough to drop bags and then bee line to Fort St. James hockey arena, or the “CAAT Clinic” as we like to think of it for the next few days.
- Meet more team members and local volunteers.
- Work CAAT magic to transform this:

Into this:

- After the final team members arrived, wrap up the day with a late night team member organizational meeting that fortunately included a full remedial round of introductions and the permission to point and say, “hey you” for at least the first day.
Today we get to meet the patients and the real work begins.