Finishing up in Bella Bella
– by Chris Robinson

We finished our work in Bella Bella yesterday. It is hard to believe we are done! We completed 69 surgeries (32 spays and 37 neuters) and 57 health checks. It was such a great experience. This is a wonderful community that not only welcomed us but also worked hard to make this Animal Health Care Clinic a success. Many dog and cat owners brought their pets in for surgery and health care and were all very happy to be able to do so. Our CAAT team of 2 veterinarians, 7 veterinary technicians and 4 assistants were all hard working and had a great time meeting all the local people and pets. The local volunteers are so numerous it is incredible, Carl, Howie, Shane, Ren, Jim, Frank, Aggie, Mark, Bobby and crew, Francis, Saasum, Frank and Kathy, Cindy, Sierra, Lawry, Nevada, Vanessa, Kevin and staff, VikkiHeiltsuk Tribal Council, Social Development, Heiltsuk Economic Development Corp, the Bella Bella Band Store and Community School. There are very likely others that we have missed but we are so grateful to everyone. Elizabeth and Roger were our hosts and went above and beyond, thank you thank you thank you!!! Bella Bella is such a strongly involved community, it is amazing!
From our tiniest patient, the little black and white kitten, to George, the gentle giant dog, they were all wonderful pets we will remember for a long time. We have some stories to share so stay tuned….