Caring for pregnant cats

We generally recommend having all cats spayed/neutered however we realize this may not be possible in remote or underserved communities. If you have found that your cat is pregnant we want to help provide some tips to keep both mom and babies healthy.
- Cats are pregnant for a little over 2 months and your cat may not start to “show” until a few weeks before giving birth
- Your cats appetite will start to increase and you will want to switch her to a kitten food it at all possible. This will help to provide the extra nutrients that she needs to grow healthy kittens
- Your cat may appreciate a “nest” Providing her with a quiet, safe, warm place to have her kittens will be helpful. This “nest” can be a cardboard box, laundry basket or rubbermaid container. You will want to line it with some newspapers, old towels or blankets or even puppy pads. Be sure to use blankets that you don’t mind throwing away.
- A day or two before giving birth, your pregnant cat may eat a lot less and will spend a lot of time in the box. When the labor time is close, your cat will start looking at her bottom, turning around and lying on her side. She may also get vocal, dig at the floor and get restless, or even slightly aggressive. It is important to make sure she is given some space and a good idea to remind children to treat her kindly.
- Most cats prefer to have their kittens alone. Try not to crowd her or pet her during this time. She will know what to do. Stay nearby but a good distance away. She won’t want to eat or drink anything during this time.
- Once the kittens are born your mama cat will be busy cleaning and feeding them. She will also be hungry. Make sure she has food and water close by as well as a litter box.
- Mom will take great care of the kittens and they should remain with her until they are at least 8 weeks old.